“Do something today that your future self would be thankful for.”

Financial Life Plan

The basic structure is 

  1. Prioritise saving over spending so you can buy investments and assets that generate income.
  2. Increase one’s value by mastering skills that are in high demand and pay well.
  3. Set up passive income streams to boost the money you can invest.
  4. Invest the money you save well so that it grows significantly whilst you are sleeping.

For more details please read the below.

Personal Vision & Mission

Spending time getting clear on your personal vision and mission can return great benefits.

It helps you clearly identify which opportunities support your mission in life and which opportunities are likely to divert you from them.

As part of this process, getting clear on your Unique Ability (see below) should greatly enhance your work performance, rewards, and joy you get from your work.



Unique Ability

Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach has many great free resources for entrepreneurs.

His Unique Ability concept is that we all have unique abilities that we excel at and love to do and that this is where we should focus the majority of our time.

To get a quick guide on this download the free Unique Ability free guide

Then when you’re ready to dive in get his books available from the Unique Ability website or from Amazon.

Passive Income

We’ve looked at many different passive income streams. Our favourite is Affiliate Marketing.

More on this coming soon.

Grow Capital

As you start to save capital, it is important to put it to work so that it is increasing even whilst you sleep.

How much money you have to invest, how much time to spend on this, your risk/reward appetite, and your unique talents, will indicate what are probably the best avenues through which you should invest.

For more information on this, please visit our Investing section.