The Number One Key for a Successful Relationship is :

Doing what’s best for the other person.

Intimate Relationships

All relationships are difficult. Parenting, work, family, intimate relationships and all others.

Perhaps our intimate relationships particularly when they are long and involve commitments like marriage can leave us with some of our deepest regrets. 

Our quarrels are often over rather insignificant matters in the greater scheme of things.

Changing perspectives can sometimes assist with improving matters.

Spiritual Partners

In Tibetan Buddhism, I understand that once you have practised and studied to a certain level, one is allowed to take a spiritual partner. This is someone who you both then need to ensure is never more to than about 10 feet away from you 24/7 and 365 days a year.

We are not recommending this to anyone who has not practised for many years as it is intentionally intense. However, changing the concept and looking at this person as a spiritual teacher definitely seems to have its merits.

Please see our videos on whether karma is real and how to manage it (coming soon) to understand this better, but there are two ways in particular to look at this :

1. When things annoy us, it normally relates to something in our life than the person that is presenting this. You can adopt your partner as a spiritual teacher and particularly when they are annoying, consider what they as your spiritual teacher are trying to teach you.

2. Everything in your life is a result of your karma. Therefore again if your partner is being annoying, thank them silently (or verbally depending on your relationship) for helping to release your bad karma.